A new Dunder!
Hello Everyone! Today we are releasing an alpha version of a new Dunder talk voicebank over on the Z Idol Talker itch.io page! Please take a listen to the following, keeping in mind it is an Alpha release.
The above is a voicebank we’re currently calling Dunder Type C, with this specific version being named Dunder α Type C (The reference should be obvious.). Dunder Type C is a softer Dunder talk voicebank we intend for long-form narration, however currently, it misses that mark by a lot. This is mostly an issue of lack of data, with Dunder Type C currently only having 22 minutes of data. Over the coming month I plan to increase that to two hours.
While I am not comfortable sharing the input data, I can say that it misses a lot of the nuances of my voice and he wasn’t recorded nearly this flat. Additionally, the video posted above has had noise reduction effects applied to it, it’s raw output contains noise that simply is not present in the raw recordings (comparison below).
In addition to more data, another thing we plan to fix for the full release is volume. Being as open as possible I forgot to normalize the audio in Audacity when I exported💀. This probably also contributed to the noise present.

Dunder Type C’s theme consists of vaguely candy-like elements. Unlike Ambrose and Ethel, I do not plan to use stock images for the final version beyond Idolgotchi, this was just whipped up for the Alpha release in like half an hour.

Dunder Type C serves as the first Dunder voicebank to the engine to make use of the Lip Flap feature introduced in the last update. As Dunder’s face is not visible, we have opted to indicate his speech by having him in a voice call with Lain, and his profile picture lighting up green as it detects noise.

Dunder Type C has also been given unique Idolgotchi Images and dialogue. These may change in the full release (Especially Sweet) so be sure to give them a look before then.
New Design

As context for future people, this is being designed as the Glasgow Willy Wonka stuff is going on, and thus, this design is the result of having that on the brain. I knew going in that Dunder Type C would be a soft voicebank, and was considering a candy theming, and thus all this combined, we now have Dunder Chocolatier design (That’s what the C stands for now and if I every say that’s not what it stands for I’m lying).
This hopefully shouldn’t be needed, especially with how little traffic this site gets, but since some of y’all are weird as fuck when you see mid-riffs, I’m just gonna say as a reminder here that Dunder is supposed to be 16 and I don’t want people drawing NSFW of him.
Okay end of article goodbye.