Dunder UTAU 6th Anniversary Track released

We have begun distribution of the 1st Dunder 6th Anniversary Track, Likely Story For a Loser. It’s live now on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Etc. check it out! This is hopefully the first of many tracks we’ll put out for Dunder’s 6th anniversary, so stay tuned and be sure to follow his new Spotify page!

Dunder Commercial License

Originally we said the Dunder Commercial License would release today, unfortunately it’s release date has been delayed to simply “sometime this month” as I don’t think I will be able to finish typing it up today (I lost power!!).
There is something else that’s causing the delay though, and that is a Dunder voicepack that will be given out alongside purchases of the license.

The pack currently sits at around 15 minutes of data with 657 items, but I’m only about halfway done recording, and that’s not including going back and doing alternate takes for names and things. In addition to basic phrases and Z Vocal Project specific phrases, this pack will contain me saying the names of basically every major vocal synth to maximize versatility. I don’t want to release the commercial license until this is done so please bare with us for a bit!