


ㄬomeder (pronounced Gnomeder) is a gnome that’s been frequently spotted around Zealton and occasionally spotted in other areas of Delta.
Many onlookers have noticed the gnome’s resemblance to Dunder, but the Z Music Club denies any connection to this gnome.

Character Info

Character information pertains to Z Vocal Project lore, feel free to disregard it.

Name: Gnomeder
Gender: Assumedly Male
Birthday: First spotted on November 9th
Pronouns: ?
Age: ?
Art Tag: #ㄬomeder_ART


Download on Itch.IO

The download page for released ㄬomeder song voicebanks is over on Itch.io. He and Ascenia.EXE have a shared license.

Released Voicebanks

ㄬomeder Natural (Released June 3rd 2024)
A Japanese CV voicebank meant for use in OpenUTAU. A thick/nasally tone that I imagine a gnome would have.

Upcoming Voicebanks

ㄬomeder CVVC (Name Pending)
A Japanese CVVC voicebank. Data identical to ㄬomeder Natural. Fully recorded.

Discontinued Voicebanks

ㄬomeder (Released November 9th 2023, Discontinued July 4th 2024)
English piper model formatted for use in Z Idol Talker. This model was made as a test. Discontinued alongside the rest of the ZIT lineup.

Art Gallery
