Category: Diffsinger

Z Vocal Project 8th Anniversary!!

Eight years… Hello everyone! Today marks the 8th year anniversary of starting Z Vocal Project!During our 7th year we greatly expanded Dunder and Ascenia’s voicebank selections, as well as finally giving Lain and Zra voicebanks of their own! Now entering our 8th year I’m hoping to surpass that! Announcements I’ve been busy with some other […]

Dunder_CV+ and Lain Noumen+ released for Diffsinger!

Sad Boy and Mask Man take on a new era! Hello Everyone! Following Today’s release of Lain Noumen Natural for OpenUTAU, we have finished the steps needed to releases Lain Noumen+ ~Proof of Concept~ (referred to as Lain Noumen Natural+ in a prior article)and Dunder_CV+ ~Proof of Concept~. These voicebanks are considered betas due to […]