Happy Halloween!!
We are still very hard at work developing new voicebanks for Dunder and Ascenia. A decision has been made to focus on Dunder AI before Dunder_Intercalaris, but development is going smoothly, I hope to be able to share something soon. However, I’d like to use this occasion to announce something different.
Introducing Zealous Villain Project

Inspired by Vimalion Project, we are creating our own resource for free to use designs for voicebanks without mascots, a sister site to Z Vocal Project called Zealous Villain Project. We’re currently launching with designs for Vocaloid6 Haruka, Sarah, Allen, and Akito. The terms will be published in full at a later date (website isn’t complete as I’m writing this), but the basics is just don’t use the images themselves for profit unless otherwise stated.
We plan to feature our Zealous Villain Project designs in Z Vocal Project games and other forms of media, so we hope you take a liking to them.
Zealous Villain Project is a name we’ve been looking to do something with for awhile, having registered the domain a couple months ago. Originally we were going to wait until Z Vocal Project was more established, but what we’ve chosen to do now allows us to develop this sister site without taking away from Z Vocal Project (It’s also an excuse to practice art)
We hope to have designs for the rest of the VY series and from Dreamtonics’s letter voicebanks made soon.
Thank you for your continued support of Z Vocal Project!
We hope to have a new update on Z Vocal Project for you sometime next month. Enjoy the spooky day!