I have finished college which means I have time to record and do OTOs now!!! I’ve recorded the first pitch of Dunder_Intercalaris, and will hopefully be able to release him by the end of the month! A decision was made to make him CVVC instead of VCV, however, there is still a possibility of a […]
Category: Language
The Website is Back Up!
Sorry for the interruption, apparently I forgot to actually set up the SSL when I switched the site over to cloudflare lol. I don’t think anyone actually checks this site (Mainly because all the voicebanks were taken down) but I’m working on a Dunder ENUNU bank as an April Fool’s Joke (The joke is that […]
TeeSpring Launched + This site has Ads now
What’s popping, just a quick update to inform people that I’ve set up a TeeSpring to sell some merchandise of the Z Vocal Project characters. This currently only has some designs of Dunder_Mercedonius, but will likely contain some more in the future. I may also add some new products to the physical goods store soon, […]
Dunder_Mercedonius Early Test Release
An early test of Dunder_Mercedonius has been released as an apology for the voicebank’s delay. This voicebank is still in extremely early stages and does not sound anywhere near it’s final quality. This demonstration is merely to serve as an example of the voicebank’s tone. Many aspects of what’s been demonstrated are still subject to […]
Z Vocal Project 2021 Relaunch
Hello! After about 5 months of downtime I’m finally ready to relaunch the Z Vocal Project site. Sorry it took so long!!! If you’ve been here before you’ve probably noticed we took down all our UTAU banks. I originally planned to keep them up until they were phased out with their new professional banks, but […]